What is the importance of LinkedIn today?
LinkedIn! A social networking site you cannot ignore today. Why do we say so? Because it has gained immense prominence in the age where scouting for the right opportunity drives everyone around. Thus, discussing the importance of LinkedIn today becomes necessary.
When we discuss the subject today, LinkedIn already has 706 million active accounts across 200 territories! Yes, it is this huge. The professional social networking site hosts everyone from recruiters/ employers to firms to job-seeking candidates to the ones scouting for professional ideas. It has been around before Facebook, Twitter, and, of course, Snapchat and Instagram, but LinkedIn has gained momentum now.

In the following blog, we have attempted to identify the importance of LinkedIn, the benefits of LinkedIn, and not to forget the ill-effects it might possess.
Here’s the blog flow for you before we proceed to its depths.
What is LinkedIn?
LinkedIn is no different than the other commonly known social platform, Facebook. But the innovative way it provides for presenting one’s resume is something to check out. With this, you don’t have to struggle in cramming your achievements. Your records and your accomplishments.
A LinkedIn profile helps one build a resume that you don’t have to personally send. Anyone who visits your profile will see it all. The professional networking site also helps you learn relevant courses and add them to your name.
Sounds interesting? The more you get into the site, the more waiting for you.
So yes, in a nutshell, LinkedIn lets you present yourself with your best professional foot forward.
Why is it essential now?
Now, this is what brings us to the core of this blog. Why is it essential? What is the importance of LinkedIn today?
With the ‘what,’ the definition of the platform is distinct and clear. Now looking into ‘why it’s essential,’ here are points to ponder.
It brings you into the recruiter’s search
The best part of being updated with your profile is that you pop up in your recruiter’s search. If you have the relevant skill mentioned in your profile, your chances of falling on that list are extremely high. As 87% of recruiters use it frequently, make sure you put yourself out there.
Job search is active
With LinkedIn, you constantly get job opening/ job opportunity updates based on your job alert. You can take follow-ups from the hiring managers. Find and locate your ideal firm, and connect with their respective teammates. Thus, your search gets much more active.

The reach is global
With LinkedIn, you reach a massive global audience as it is not limited to your native country/ territory only. You can connect with people from all around the globe. Thus, leading to more fruitful and informative people for your knowledge base that increases your chances of landing your dream job.
Industry news will be at your fingertips
People use LinkedIn as a professional network that also brings the best from the industry. The latest news and the ongoing discussions are all a great part of the active circuit. Following certain industry experts to certain hashtags can help you here.
Personal branding at its best
LinkedIn is one of the best platforms to showcase all of your capabilities and harp on networking opportunities. What you do and what you wish the world to know can be easily put forward in your profile. It makes you look professionally sound. So mentioning your skills, your certifications, your volunteering, all of it plays a major role.
Helps in company research
The platform has been ideal for people to identify the companies they would like to work for or with. This helps you learn the pros and cons and connect with the company’s vital resources. That is, you learn about how the company works, what it highlights, and how the company is being spoken about. All this will fall under your lens. Ensuring you complete transparency.
The benefits of LinkedIn
So far, we have seen why LinkedIn has become essential today. The next in line to this is the benefits. The benefits of LinkedIn, therefore, are as follows.
- It will benefit you if it’s a part of your job application. We say this because many firms now have switched to online applications. You must have seen that now you also get an ‘easy apply’ option on your LinkedIn applications. So you see, it is aiding in your application fulfillment!
- It is free of cost. Of course, the paid version comes with many additional features. But the free site also gives an enriching experience.
- Brings a plethora of networks. That is, you can always connect and expand your network. There is no limit to that. You can connect to your teammates, possible recruiters, industry experts, college alumni, and those you wish to connect with. This helps your learning, gives insights, and helps you land your desired job role.
- You can join LinkedIn groups for better reception of information. Leaving a few, the rest are informative and help your knowledge base. This will contribute to leads and ideas.
- LinkedIn lets you have social endorsements for your skills and work. You can always ask your fellow or past colleague to share recommendations for you. As this boosts your profile in the network and adds to your credibility.
When explored and utilized, these benefits help in the promotion of your profile. So make sure you do that well.
Find your right profile today!
The ill effects of LinkedIn
This social media site has cons too! Surprising that we are saying this, but it’s true. While it comes with many benefits and reasons that affirm the importance of LinkedIn, here are a few that you should be careful about.
It can get expensive-
LinkedIn often prompts you to avail of the ‘premium.’ While the version lets you see who saw your profile and lets you avail for the jobs, the recruiter can see the premium badge against your name ‘featured applicant.’ Indicating that you paid for the job. Plus, you have to shell out a certain amount to maintain that premium. While there are some amazing benefits too.

It can become your regular mindless browsing-
True, the platform is rich with resources and can help one’s branding. But it is a social media site that runs on engagement algorithms. There can be tons of job postings that may not suit you yet pop up for your search. And there is always a high chance of you losing the track and mindlessly browsing on it, just like Facebook and Instagram.
It can create a social pressure-
Not every time you go through LinkedIn it gives you a good impression. It often has adverse effects mentally. Often there is a lot to see. Your mind hits a roadblock, leaving you to feel dejected. Plus, a lot of this pressurizes maintaining a certain level of LinkedIn activity to look well.
So the point is that everything you do on the platform comes with a set of pros and cons. It’s on you how to filter that for your betterment.
The importance of LinkedIn and its discussion receives a halt here. As we have neared the end of this blog. The aim of this was to enlighten you on the provisions and also give you the slight hint of demerit it can possess.
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We hope our blog served you well. Hoping to keep you updated always. Till then, keep reading.