Founded in 2010 by Mr Abhishek Jaiswal and Mr Himanshu Rauthan, CEDCOSS is a Community Engaged in Development and Customisation of Open Source Software.



3/460, First Floor, Vishwas Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh India - 226010

+91 5224077802

Startup Technology Uncategorized
Advanced Analytics

Advanced segmentation techniques in Google Analytics

Introduction  Google Analytics offers a wealth of data through basic reports, but it’s true power is unlocked through advanced segmentation techniques. Segmentation allows you to create highly focused user groups based on various criteria, revealing hidden patterns and optimizing your website for specific audiences.   Benefits of Advanced Segmentation Granular Audience Insights Deep Understanding of User […]

Opinion Organization Uncategorized

Weather the Storm: Crisis Management for Business Heroes

Crises are inevitable. Facing a data breach, a product recall, or a public relations nightmare is inevitable for any organization. However, the crucial factor that distinguishes successful companies from those that crumble is their ability to navigate the storm and emerge stronger. This blog explores “Crisis Management” -the path to recovery, guiding you through the […]

Data Protection For Small Businesses

Top 5 Methods for Data Protection for small businesses

In today’s digital era, data protection is a critical concern for individuals, businesses, and organizations of all sizes. With over 2000 publicly disclosed data breaches in 2022 alone, a significant portion of which resulted from hacking, the risks of financial and reputational damage, compromised data, and legal liabilities are ever-present. To mitigate these risks, several […]